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 Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology

Documents on Anthropological Multimedia

The place of multimedia within social anthropological teaching and research is one of today's hot topics. While a number of applied projects are underway, there has been less discussion of the implications of such developments. This site uses the Web itself to present articles and discussion documents that examine the theoretical issues involved.


  1. Marcus Banks Interactive multimedia and anthropology: a sceptical view (June 1994)

  2. Peter Biella Codifications of ethnography: linear and nonlinear (November 1994) - a response to Banks 1994

  3. Marcus Banks Time-consuming Technologies: using the Web and visual media in anthropological teaching and research (November 1998)

Note: previous visitors to this page will remember that from 1994-1998 it was set up as 'an experiment in evolving document structure and multi-authorship' and contained the two 1994 articles above by Banks and Biella. The documents remain, but the 'experiment' has now ceased. Instead, this page will provide links to articles and discussion documents on the relationship betwen anthropology, information technology and multimedia, authored by members of ISCA and others. Suggestions for inclusion should be mailed to Marcus Banks.

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This page last updated: 9.11.98